Based on reactions from audiences, Back to the Future, the thrilling new Broadway musical adapted from the 1985 movie, won’t disappoint its fans nor the newbies (although, I can’t recall meeting anyone who doesn’t have memories of the movie – it‘s that iconic).
My Back to the Future journey started when I went to London for the opening night – a joyous evening. The audience was still mostly masked but it didn’t stop them from applauding and cheering through their masks – a wild sound and sight! It’s been running in the UK for 2 years and still going strong having won the Olivier for Best Musical (their equivalent of the Tony). Doc Brown, our very own made in America, Roger Bart, reprises his London role on Broadway while Casey Likes took up the reins of Marty McFly having just closed as the lead in Broadway’s Almost Famous. Both are terrific – they define the roles without betraying their characters’ essence. Lots of the music is from the movie so there’s that to look forward to as well!
It’s been a long journey for sure because these big musicals require enormous amounts of time to get right – especially a show with so much technology on stage.
I urge all to come help save the Clock Tower! Get in your DeLoreans and travel to the Winter Garden Theatre because… roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads!